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  • What are energy dynamics?
    A profound change in our relationships with our lives and others is only possible because we now understand that everything is energy! Centering is a tool to help us deepen our understanding that our reality and relationships are due to how we “energetically” interact. With centering we can flow with the current of change, following the energetic current that at this stage of our development is carrying us to our heart’s center and the experience of wholeness it leads to. Its understanding and then following the energetic “Yellow Brick Road,” to our wholeness.
  • Who is centering for?
    Any one who feels the yearning to break free of same old, same old outwardly oriented mentally controlled living from time to time. Any one who feels the call to a deeper and more expansive interaction with life and others. Any one who comes to a realization that what has worked before, i.e. mentally controlling, stabilizing or trying to fix his or her outwardly oriented life, is no longer in itself `enough. Anyone who seeks the capacity to find calm in the midst of everyday storms. Anyone ready to embody a heart of gold. Anyone who knows that being power-full (love) is the answer and is ready to fully surrender to it from time to time.
  • What is heart centering?
    Heart centering is a simple, yet profound, universal tool that engages modern energy dynamics. It allows us to shift from mentally controlled outwardly oriented lives that are no longer enough to handle the stressors of daily living, and instead from time to time become energized as a heart centered self that creates an inner and then outer reality that is calm, integrated and whole in the moment at hand. It is the realization that where we focus our awareness creates our reality. Centering is about waking up and reconnecting to the “energies” within that unify and balance us as never before and sharing the energies with all others to one degree or another, but especially so with others who are able or ready to shift also. Ironically when you center, no one even knows that you have shifted, as you have no agenda to change anything, just holding dynamic neutrality that brings full acceptance to the moment at hand, and that amazingly does change everything. It is also used as an energy break, to release the bound energy of engaging surface life 24/7, while being reenergized by the unifying life fulfilling energies from within. Its the tool to break free of our own mentally created Shawshank prison, once we realize we are imprisoned by our own same old, same old mental reactions to life.
  • What is energy?
    In Einstein’s world everything is energy. From something as solid and dense as the energies in a rock, to the unseen but felt energy of heat, to the unseen and even more subtle energies that are emotionally (E for Energy in Motion) charged, such as anger or fear, which affect us on profound levels. Until now we have simply been the recipients and often casualties of these ongoing subtle energies. But now for the first time we can shift from time to time from outer lives that are filled with these types of subtle energies and instead energize the dynamically calm and integrating energies of inner wholeness called centering. A life fulfilling energy we can now consciously share with others.
  • Is centering for changing others?
    No, centering is about changing yourself, or more accurately fulfilling your life. The urge to center comes when we finally become exhausted by our mentally directed outer attempts to change others and ourselves. We often can see the “flaws” in the outer lives of others and point our fingers, however, they are but a reflection of our own selves being stuck and attached to outer living and outer answers based on outer beliefs and programming of our mind from childhood to successfully survive in an outwardly oriented reality. Instead of pointing fingers at the “other” we follow the three fingers that point back and go inwardly to connect to the source of unifying energy at the center. It brings us into acceptance of the outer self we have been, as increasingly we become centered and whole. Then we begin to lose the capacity to judge others. Its about acceptance and through deep acceptance, a liberation of the center’s unifying, life fulfilling energy.
  • How often do you need to center?
    The practice is entirely up to you. Five minutes a day, or here and there as you are called to be with others with a centered presence, or as brief energy breaks, or as part of a larger group process that connects energetically, again through energetic presence alone. The centering practices offered through this website, give you an unlimited opportunity to connect to your center anywhere and anytime. With increasing liberation of “heart energy” you will come into centering practices that are a celebration of life.
  • Why hasn’t centering been available before?
    Until now we have been involved in the information age and the phase of human development called outer success, which energetically creates an armored and separate independent sense of self, and a belief system in the existence of an outer reality only, which is stabilized through sharing information and same old, same old stories and learned patterns of behavior, reaction and roles. This phase is coming to completion, and this completion is experienced as a “mental labor” of stressed out, burned out, zoned out lives, filled with a host of new symptoms, addictions and relationship conflicts we’ve never faced before. Our continued mental focus on “higher development” or the higher mental self, ironically increased the distance (separation) from our heart resulting in existential suffering. Ironically, now as we understand this separation and become energy savvy, we can begin returning to the heart (as the central self), and more and more people can experience what it is to be centered and find calm within, and we can also begin consciously experiencing the energy age of healing, health and wholeness, and the next stage of human development, life fulfillment and the full fruition of our wholeness.
  • Why aren’t traditional therapies enough?
    Traditional therapies, beliefs, steps, keys, pathways, positive thinking and secrets are all important in stabilizing our outer lives and surface shell or armor, but keep us in the “thinking mode,” looking outside of ourselves for “outer” answers and involved in outer/surface makeovers. They also keep us energy naïve, and thus unable to live energetically. The time comes however when this isn’t enough to fill the emptiness on the inside, and we want to break free of old patterns and energies of separation and break in through our armor to find our center’s unifying energy again. Centering is the tool that allows that to happen from time to time. The shift to the center begins when we as supermen or superwomen, armored and powerfully holding on to same old same old outer oriented life realize we are powerless to change. At that point we are ready to become empowered and changed from within as a transformer.
  • Is centering a form of love?
    It is more about liberating the full power of love. It releases all the conditions and beliefs that have with time been placed on the “unifying energy” we have labeled as love (as unconsciously experienced in an earlier stage of our development as a physical event that was then controlled mentally). So that now for the first time we can consciously and unconditionally free this subtle energy, knowing love and healing to be an energetic event, and to experience it as never before, for personal healing, health and wholeness that brings us into experiences of life fulfillment.
  • What is the energy age?
    After the information age comes the energy age of Einstein. Here we recognize that every thing is energy, and we also recognize that where we focus our awareness creates our reality. Focus on the outer surface of things and remain in a outwardly oriented reality of sharing information about our outer interactions. Here the deeper wounds and resources in our lives remain untouched and we unchanged as it must be. But now this stage is ending and we are experiencing the “labor pains” of stressed out, burned out, zoned out, addicted living and a “fakeness of life” that brings us to the breaking point. It is here that through using the tool of Centering we can break free and begin shifting inwardly from time to time. Now naturally, for the first time we can “energetically” engage life, as we focus on something that ordinarily is unseen, the energetic center of who and what we are, anatomically, physically and energetically. Its like being on the ends of a teeter-totter going up and down endlessly or being a the fulcrum where it is calm and balanced, but finding this fulcrum inside us. This “centering experience” changes everything as life increasingly becomes filled with a sense of deep and expansive meaning and purpose. A new sense of realness and a new identity, as an empowered heart centered self begins to form, as the heart’s reality reveals itself more and more. And then we can together create calm in the midst of everyday storms and consciously begin creating energy fields that foster healing, health and wholeness.
  • What about our beliefs of who and what we are?
    These outer beliefs are formed during our childhood through outer interactions with others out there who nurtured us, loved us and disciplined us . They are absolutely essential and real to our existence in an outwardly oriented reality of duality (our two dimensional reality and two dimensional self). In fact they are so ingrained in our computer software programming that any other way of being with life is nearly impossible to imagine (except, ahh, for the experience of romantic love). When we are ready, however, centering acts as a universal tool and takes us beneath our armor to have us connect to an additional new set of embodied beliefs as to who and what we are. It liberates us from time to time from the tensions of holding together a tough outer reality that is by itself no longer enough. From a outer/surface belief in wholeness to the actual experience of wholeness. From believing in love, to actually embodying it and allowing it to become unconditional (Heart Centered). From being and believing in our chrysalis self, to being and also becoming our liberated butterfly self. Two stages, outer and inner, each with their own valid beliefs and experiences that together create our wholeness.
  • Why do we need others who know centering?
    The journey to wholeness is about pausing old programs for outer living, breathing to unburden, then centering within. Then its about sharing this energy with others to various degrees depending on their receptivity. In the beginning those around you may have little understanding of energy dynamics, or it may not be time for them yet. However through sharing the fundamentals of centering with others, more and more individuals will be available to give and receive on the same level as you, and then we begin sharing “unifying energy” as never before, and living more and more at the heart level from a deep inner calm filled with compassion, gratitude and celebration of life. Remember first we learn the alphabet and then we can all communicate information about the successful creation and maintenance of outer lives and surface armor. Now, its about learning centering, so we can communicate energetically, and share the life fulfilling energies of deep and expansive unity first through presence alone, then to one degree or another with everyone, but even more so with those who can give and receive more fully. Learn more about this break through capacity in the Rx: A Dose of Heart.
  • What is the heartnet?
    The heartnet is a term use to describe the worldwide shift from the internet which is needed to share information worldwide, to the next quantum leap in human capacities, to know that we are sharing energy worldwide also. Through a personal vision and capacity to live from our hearts by surrendering to it from time to time, we become an integral part of sharing “unifying energy” with others. With time this web of life fulfilling energy changes every thing. Just as romantic love momentarily changes everything for two people with the intense release of “unifying” centered energy, our newly found capacities of conscious deep centering results in expansively sharing the centering energies worldwide. This liberation of unifying centered energy in no different then the energies of a candle. The light is most intense in the center, none the less it also travels to infinity to touch and be absorbed to various degrees by everyone and especially so by those can receive it as an energetic gift. The heartnet of centering energy will energize all of humanity into new visions and experiences of wholeness. From the inter-net to the social-net to the heart-net. From information networking, to social networking, to heart-full “energy” networking.
  • How can I fulfill my life?
    It is beyond outer efforting, it is through shifting and surrendering to the center, and knowing that you can finally be filled energetically from within and that you can then share that unifying energy with others as never before. Going from the outer/higher purpose for living to the central purpose. This has profound meaning for relationships, as with time, we all come to feel a sense of empty-heartedness, as if our heart energy has been all used up. With centering our relationships can move from powerfully holding the old together but powerless to change, to mutually empowered and powerfully changed. This is the path to heart and life fulfillment. Its called investing energy in inner gold.
  • What about relationships and community?
    For the first time relationships can go beyond mentally controlled half hearted outer interactions to the life fulfilling experiences of whole heartedness. We naturally will then begin creating heart centered community that will involve three or more and then in a very expanded sense all of humanity. You will sense being home where ever you are. Its the homecoming you’ve always dreamed possible, becoming a reality.
  • Is heart centering only for the medical community?
    A primary focus has been the medical community, to deepen their understanding of the profound need for “healing” as well as curing. But this universal process is really for everyone. Because everyone who shifts from time to time, brings the energies of unity, love and healing into our world. Heart centering is so simple, yet so profound, for shifting from inner emptiness to heartfulness, from time to time. In essence we are all looking for doses and doses of heart energy.
  • What do the online courses consist of?
    1. The foundational heart centering course. Designed to understand energy dynamics and to release stressful living and live more heart-fully and whole. A simple, yet profound journey to experience your wholeness. A guided experiential journey to the heart of who and what you are, introducing modern energy concepts in a simple form that anyone can understand and use. This is a deeply healing journey and will take you beyond the rightness and wrongness of your two dimensional surface life, to the re- visioning of your life as a three dimensional journey to wholeness. It will automatically deepen and expand your capacity to be with others in a grateful, compassionate and supportive way as they to can begin living more and more from their center, as together we energize the new vision of liberating love and living heart centered lives in a heart centered/powered world. 2. Advanced Heart Centering Courses. Brings individuals together to create heart centered experiences that empower, enlighten, enrich, enjoy, embody and integrate us as never before possible. Here everyone becomes a champion of the heart and engages the capacities, if desired, to co-facilitate heart centering gathering in their own community or workplace. 3. Ongoing support via programs and live podcasts to facilitate a worldwide educational and energetic movement called the heart-net of humanity
  • What about conferences?
    Gil is a available to health care organizations worldwide and all others who are ready to live more fully from the heart. Do the foundational course then… Email us at if you would like to bring Heart Centering to your organization or community.
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